Regulatory Filing

Comments on the Federal Highway Administration’s Proposed Greenhouse Gas Emissions Tracking and Reduction Targets for States

October 12, 2022

ACEEE filed comments in response to the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) proposal to add a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions measure to the National Performance Management Measures, which will require states to track GHG emissions from transportation and set declining targets. ACEEE’s comments applaud FHWA for proposing this rule and strongly support these requirements. Requiring states to inventory transportation GHG emissions will help them make progress toward the Biden administration’s national GHG targets and provide a robust data set which can be used to create low-carbon transportation policy.

ACEEE asks FHWA to require states to set declining transportation GHG targets that exceed the expected GHG reductions from improved vehicle emissions rates, as well as provide their assumptions and rationale regarding vehicle emissions rates and vehicle miles traveled for light- and heavy-duty vehicles (separately) for the target years.

Regulatory Filing

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Transportation System Efficiency Efficient Vehicle Technologies Freight Fuel Economy


Shruti Vaidyanathan
Transportation Program Director
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