Volume 3

A Comparison of Metered and Audit Results: Commercial Buildings

John D. Acherman, Jeffrey N. Perkins

Wisconsin Electric Power Company

*XENERGY, Incorporated

A Data Collection and Processing System for Efficiency Experiments in Commercial and Residential Buildings

Michael Baker, Betsy Krieg

SBW Consulting

*Pacific Gas and Electric

Integrating Engineering-Based Modeling Into Commercial-Sector DSM Program Planning

Jack Barrar, Don Ellison, Greg Wikler*, Ednan Hamzawi**

Potomac Electric Power Company

*Barakat & Chamberlin, Inc.

**Technograf Engineers

Exploring an Enhanced Data Viewing Facility for Building Operators

Raghu Belur, Kelly Kissock, Jeff Haberl

Texas A&M University

Short-Term Commercial Metering Project

Susan Buller, Taghi Alereza*, Jay Pakarinen*, Daniel Mort*, Hamid Khorram*

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

*ADM Associates, Inc.

The Performance of the Energy Edge Buildings: Energy Use and Savings

Rick Diamond, Mary Ann Piette, Bruce Nordman, Odon de Buen, Jeff Harris, Bruce Cody*

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

*Bonneville Power Administration

Variable Speed Drives: Improving Energy Consumption Modeling and Savings Analysis Techniques

Scott Englander, Leslie Norford*

New England Power Service Company

*Mass. Institute of Technology and Tabors

Federal Relighting Expert System

Mark Fishbaugher, Silvio L. Nunes*

Fishbaugher and Associates

*National Renewable Energy laboratory

Lighting Use and Conservation in Commercial Buildings

Miriam Goldberg, Jennifer Reichert

Energy Information Administration

The Use of a Monthly Whole-Campus Energy Analysis for Evaluating a Third Party Energy Service Agreement

Jeff Haberl

Texas A&M University

Proposed Guidelines for Using Energy Management and Control Systems for Performance Monitoring

Kristin Heinemeier, Hashem Akbari

Lawrence Berkeley laboratory

Identification and Quantification of the Impact of Improper Operation of Midsize Minnesota Office Buildings on Energy Use: A Seven Building Case Study

Peter Herzog, Lance LaVine*

The Herzog/Wheeler & Associates

*University of Minnesota

Measured Energy and Demand Impacts of Efficiency Tune-ups for Small Commercial Cooling Systems

Martha J. Hewett, David L. Bohac, Russell W. Landry, Timothy S. Dunsworth, Scott Englander*, George A. Peterson**

Center for Energy and the Urban Environment

*New England Power Service Company

**Aurora Engineering

Evaluation of a Major Lighting Retrofit Project

Charlie Huizenga, Marc Colman, Janet Smith

Minnesota Building Research Center

Importance of Monitoring Air Handler Performance

Srinivas Katipamula, David Claridgeu

Texas A&M University

DOE-2.1C Model Calibration With Short-Term Tests versus Calibration With Long-Term Monitored Data

William Koran, Michael Kaplan*, Timothy Steele**

Portland Energy Conservation

*Kaplan Engineering

**Bonneville Power Administration

On-Site Validation of Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural Customized Financial Incentive Programs

Anne Gumerlock Lee, William Miller, Susan Buller, Taghi Alareza*, Jeff Johnson*

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

*ADM Associates

An Improved Method of Collection, Visualization, and Analysis of End-Use Data for Designers

Lee Eng Lock, Douglas G. Hibberd*

Supersymmetry Services

*Brown, Vance & Associates

Non-Intrusive Electrical Load Monitoring, a Technique for Reduced-Cost Load Research and Energy Management

Leslie Norford, Richard Tabors, Greg Byrd*

Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Tabors Caramanis and Associates

*Philadelphia Electric Co.

Measured Electricity Savings of Refrigerator Replacement: Case Study and Analysis

Danny Parker, Ted Stedmane

Florida Solar Energy Center

Practical Issues in Using Customer Billing Data for Evaluating Commercial, Industrial, and Large Multifamily Conservation Programs

Scott Pigg

Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation

Uncertainty Analysis in Estimating Building Energy Retrofit Savings in the LoanSTAR Program

Agami Reddy, Kelly Kissack, David Claridge

Texas A&M University

The Use of Measurements to Decompose Commercial Billing Data Into Primary End Uses

David Robison, Howard Reichmuth*

Pacific Power

*Lambert Engineering

Commercial Load Shape Disaggregation Studies

Ingrid Rohmund, Stuart McMenamin, Paul Bogenrieder

Regional Economic Research, Inc

NAC for Linear and Change-Point Building Energy Models

David Ruch, David Claridge*

Sam Houston State University

*Texas A&M University

Lighting Policy Modeling in the Commercial Sector

Osman Sezgen, Matt Lecar, Joe Eto, Barbara Atkinson, James MacMahon

Lawerence Berkeley Laboratory

Pacific Northwest Laboratory's Lighting Technology Screening Matrix

Steven Shankle, James Dirks, Eric Richman, Robert Shultz

Pacific Northwest Laboratory

Measure Life Study: The Effect of Commercial Building Changes on Energy Using Equipment

Lisa Skumatz,Curtis Hickman*

Synergic Resources Corporation

*Bonneville Power Administration

Creating the Past: Verification of Savings in the Absence of Historical Consumption Data

Joseph Taffe, David Lerman

Tacoma Public Utilities